Monthly Archives: March 2015

3 Great Reasons to Grow Your Own Vegetables

The growing of your own produce seems to be gaining momentum in households everywhere. Many have debated the idea whether to grow their own or to purchase from the grocery store, and have settled on the grocery store due to convenience. We will discuss three important reasons why you should strongly consider growing your own. [...]

By |2016-11-18T14:25:24-05:00March 27th, 2015|Gardening Tips|Comments Off on 3 Great Reasons to Grow Your Own Vegetables

Start Planning Now for Your Spring Planting Project

Have you let this endless winter get you into a funk?  For most kinds of trees and shrubs, early spring is the ideal planting season.  It is always advised to start your planning as soon as possible to locate and possible order the plants you desire.  Spring is only two weeks away, March 20th to [...]

By |2016-11-18T14:25:25-05:00March 7th, 2015|Landscaping Tips|Comments Off on Start Planning Now for Your Spring Planting Project
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