Monthly Archives: March 2016

Spring Has Begun

The first full day of Spring was March 20th. this was spring's earliest arrival since 1896. Please enjoy the videos below of flowers and buds. Nature is a symphony of beauty. Enjoy the following videos nature in action. Here's on from National Geographic. It took 50,000 shots over nine months to capture these flowers in [...]

By |2016-11-18T14:25:22-05:00March 31st, 2016|Spring Beauty|Comments Off on Spring Has Begun

Easter Lilies

Easter Lilies have been a part of the holiday tradition since its inception. These beautiful white flowers are symbolic of rebirth and the coming of spring. As Easter draws near, along with the first days of spring, the Wiesner Bros. Nursery has prepared the delicate white flowers for your home. The white flowers with golden-hued [...]

By |2016-04-08T17:19:17-04:00March 18th, 2016|Events, Holidays, Uncommon Plants|Comments Off on Easter Lilies

March To-Do List

March is an important month for gardeners. It marks the coming of spring and an end to the bitter cold. March is a great time to start your spring landscaping project, or talk with our professionals about having our experts get the job done for you. Deciduous trees should be planted before they come out [...]

By |2016-11-18T14:25:22-05:00March 1st, 2016|Gardening Tips, Uncommon Plants|Comments Off on March To-Do List
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