Monthly Archives: February 2022

Clean The Air You Breathe With House Plants

House plants not only add an artistic touch to ones living space, but they can also enhance your quality of life. Here are 5 reasons why they are recommended in every living space: Oxygen The process of a human breathing takes in oxygen and releases carbon dioxide. Photosynthesis for plants absorbs carbon dioxide and releases [...]

By |2022-01-12T12:01:17-05:00February 15th, 2022|House Plants|Comments Off on Clean The Air You Breathe With House Plants

How to Attract Birds to your Garden

The key to attracting birds to your garden can be broken down into three main categories: Food, Shelter, and Water. One of the best times to supply these resources in your garden is during the cold winter months. This is when birds could use the most help as the weather is harsh and natural food [...]

By |2022-01-12T11:16:07-05:00February 1st, 2022|Gardening Tips|Comments Off on How to Attract Birds to your Garden
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