A sloped front driveway teeming with focal points


Wiesner Bros. Nursery had the opportunity to become involved in this particular project shortly after the client had moved into the residence. A custom landscape design was fabricated for the entire property with the intent of providing an understanding of the big picture. The baron sloped driveway was determined to be an ascetic priority, so an install plan was created and after proposing the design concepts to the client, work was ready to be started.
The property had an excess of fieldstone boulders, which are a great component to add to a landscape. The boulders were collected and carefully positioned along the slope to lesson such a harsh decline and act as a retainer. This will ensure mulch and soil will not flow into the lower driveway.
After the levels were set, it was time for the plants to be positioned. A strategic mix of deciduous trees, conifers, annuals and shrubs were hand selected at the nursery and delivered to the job site. Upon arrival, the plants were carefully lifted into their new locations, dug in, and root balls covered with fresh compost. The fresh compost used was a special mix created at Wiesner Bros. Nursery to ensure a long healthy life of all plants installed.
Shredded cedar mulch was then laid down and evenly spread. Mulch is a must for every landscape, it keeps the weeds down, retains moisture, and ascetically provided a nice and neat finish to the planting beds. After the seasonal annuals were installed, the slope quickly became a unique blend of textures, colors and heights to form an entry way worth viewing every time one enters and exits the residence. Contact us for help with your next project!
SERVICES PROVIDED: Design & Install, Fieldstone Retaining Wall, Seasonal Flowers