Monthly Archives: October 2022

October Garden Checklist

As the cooler weather starts to approach, now is a great time to prepare your garden for the winter before it gets too cold. The previous article on this months blog went in depth into the importance of keeping your plants trimmed and why now is the time to do it. Here is a list [...]

By |2022-01-28T13:59:51-05:00October 15th, 2022|Autumn plants, Gardening Tips|Comments Off on October Garden Checklist

Time To Prune Your Shrubs

Different plants can be pruned at different times of the year, but in general the majority of plants can tolerate an Autumn hair cut. The reason the autumn is a good time to do your trimming is because plants are finished growing for the season and are beginning to enter dormancy for the long winter. [...]

By |2022-01-28T13:27:55-05:00October 1st, 2022|Gardening Tips|Comments Off on Time To Prune Your Shrubs
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