Spring Beauty

Plant Pansies For More Color

Pansies are a hardy flower that will bloom the majority of the winter season and into the spring when planted after the weather cools down. They prefer sun but can also tolerate part shade. Our favorite late flowering annual, here are reasons why we recommend them: More Color They are a great supplement to your [...]

By |2022-01-31T15:28:48-05:00September 1st, 2022|Autumn plants, Gardening Tips, Spring Beauty|Comments Off on Plant Pansies For More Color

Tips to Attract Butterflies to Your Garden

Butterflies are always a pleasant sight, their bright colors and gentle fluttering flight patterns complement any garden. They also benefit the garden itself by pollinating flowers. If you want to attract more of these beautiful insects to your own backyard, then follow these handy tips. Plant Diversity It is almost impossible to plant many flowers [...]

By |2016-06-20T13:16:11-04:00June 20th, 2016|Landscaping Tips, Spring Beauty|Comments Off on Tips to Attract Butterflies to Your Garden

Bugs Beneficial to Your Garden

Aphids can be a gardener’s nightmare; and no one wants annoying gnats and mosquitoes in their yard. But rather than using sprays or pesticides, you can attract natural predators and beneficial bugs to keep them away. We may often think that all bugs are bad bugs, but this is not true. Bees are one of [...]

By |2016-11-18T14:25:22-05:00June 9th, 2016|Landscaping Tips, Spring Beauty|Comments Off on Bugs Beneficial to Your Garden

May Flowers

Coneflowers - Rudbeckia hirta Spring is in full swing! The flowers are blooming and the colors are popping up all over our nursery. Add some great color to your garden with perennials that are already in bloom. This instant splash of color will certainly make your home even more lovely. Coneflowers, Foxglove, Daylilies, [...]

By |2016-11-18T14:25:22-05:00May 23rd, 2016|Gardening Tips, Spring Beauty|Comments Off on May Flowers

Spring Has Begun

The first full day of Spring was March 20th. this was spring's earliest arrival since 1896. Please enjoy the videos below of flowers and buds. Nature is a symphony of beauty. Enjoy the following videos nature in action. Here's on from National Geographic. It took 50,000 shots over nine months to capture these flowers in [...]

By |2016-11-18T14:25:22-05:00March 31st, 2016|Spring Beauty|Comments Off on Spring Has Begun
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