House plants not only add an artistic touch to ones living space, but they can also enhance your quality of life. Here are 5 reasons why they are recommended in every living space:


The process of a human breathing takes in oxygen and releases carbon dioxide. Photosynthesis for plants absorbs carbon dioxide and releases oxygen. Thus, plants and people are naturally compatible in life. The addition of plants to indoor spaces will increase oxygen levels. These plants should be strategically placed in your bedroom to refresh the air during the night.


During the respiratory and photosynthetic process, plants will release moisture vapor, thus increasing the humidity of the air. Plants will release about 97% of the air they take in. Proper humidity levels are the best solution for helping respiratory distress.

Air Purification

Plants are proven to remove toxins from the air. According to NASA research, they can remove up to 87% of volatile organic compounds every 24 hours. The majority of buildings now are air-tight which trap these toxins inside. The NASA research proved that plants will purify that trapped air by transferring the contaminants into the soil, where root zone microbes will convert these toxins into food for the plant.


The Royal College of Agriculture in Circencester, England, conducted a study on the effects of houseplants in the classroom. The conclusion stated that when students are taught in rooms containing plants, the attentiveness of the class went up by 70%. Attendance had also increased by having plants in the classroom.


According to researchers at Kansas State University, adding plants to a hospital room will speed up the recovery rates of surgical patients. Patients in rooms with plants required less pain medication, had lower heart rate and blood pressure, and experienced less anxiety and fatigue than patients in rooms without plants. The Agricultural University of Norway conducted a study which concluded sickness rates fell by more than 60 percent in offices with plants. The Dutch Product Board for horticulture conducted a workplace study that discovered by adding plants to office settings, the fatigue, colds, headaches, coughs and sore throats would all decrease.

Quantity of Plants

The more plants, the greater the oxygen produced will be. To purify air, the recommended amount for an 1,800- square-foot house would bee 15-18 plants in 6-8 inch diameter pots. That comes to about one large plant every 100 square feet. Any questions contact us at or stop in and visit, we are constantly getting new deliveries!