Leave the last blooms in the fall on the plant to form hips. This will slow growth and help them go dormant. Continue to spray with fungicide until the leaves drop. Rake off and remove all leaves from the rose bed to prevent diseases from harboring over winter. Do not compost these leaves, they may contain fungi. Apply a dormant spray or oil to help get rid of diseases that might return in the spring.
Even during winter, your roses need water to keep them healthy and prevent them from drying out. If there is no rain or snow for more than a few weeks, you should plan to water.
Roses do not need to be trimmed unless they are liable to be damaged by winter winds. Cover the crown of the plant with a soil mound about six inches high, then cover the entire plant and soil mound with hay, straw or a commercial plant cover.
Roses in containers can stand temperatures down to 28 F without protection or covering. If the temperature drops below this, move the containers into an unheated shelter. Be sure they are not near a window where warm sunlight might start plants growing. Water lightly enough so the soil doesn't dry out. Don't fertilize during the winter. When warm weather comes again put the containers outside and care for them as before.